Friday, August 1, 2008

muun design studio

Wow...what a lot of changes. The original muucafe idea is now officially ordained as Muun design studio. Our business is finally registered and made existent on paper. 0808 ... AUGUST 2008 will be the date to remember. Let's hope we can still say the same in 0818.

{Muun} - pronounced m-o-o-n ... is obviously a derivative of the root word MUU, which is also one the five elements (representing Wood) - Metal, Wood, Fire, Water and Earth. Representing our grounded nature and commitment to our environment.

It's been pretty overwhelming so far. Not with work proper, but with all the set up and writing of business plan. I think other than giving birth to Kay and going through 6 years of Architecture School, this would rank as #3 in terms of difficulty. Was hoping to start slow and easy, but because of the government grant, I'm given the "whip" with deadlines and business coaches breathing down my neck. But i think it'll all be worth it.

Well, project's exciting. We are now working on Illustrations for a Book Cover and ten section titles for Ron Phipps. It's a book about Money and connecting the individual with industry experts. The sweet thing is we'll be getting credits at the back of the book.

Explore After 4 has also signed us on to help with their logo. They are an after school programs and event planner. Owner Melissa B. is the wife of Andrew B. whom we worked with on their party invitation for Andrew Richard Designs. Too bad we missed the awesome party with the hottest chefs and sponsors in town. (apparently Susur Lee was there to promote his new restaurant).

Quinceflowers has also signed off on the design for their main store front signage and that should be on the way to being constructed soon. We also worked on and Ad flyer for The Municipal Redbook, a reference guide about local governments in Alberta and British Columbia, published by Reed Construction Data. They liked the flyer so much that they may be getting us to do the cover for the Guide as well ! Sweet ! We are also hoping PDQ financials will engage us to do their new corporate re-branding.

So as you can see...we are having fun ! But right now... we need to get muun design studio some business cards of our own. We just got the placeholder webpage uploaded, is now in existent and not just an error page.
So watch out for our web launch in September.